Friday, August 31, 2007

Dexter % % % %

I'm still not totally sold.

But it's well written, acted and directed. Michael C. Hall is great. I love everyone from Six Feet Under so much, that sometimes, I miss them. Like old friends, I miss them. It's pathetic, but damn those were some well written characters. The writing got a little wobbly towards the end. But damn. I loved that show. I cried when it ended because it was over. And because the ending broke my heart. I still get wistful thinking about Keith.

So, my SFU aside aside, I think the writing on Dexter is great too. And it's totally quality visually. But... I don't know if I care yet. I don't know if I care about the characters. And really this is the challenge of a show about a likeable serial killer. So we'll see. I'm not totally convinced yet, but I do like the progressions of the characters that I've seen thus far. And it is a fascinating conceit that anyone would have a parent who loves them so much, that regardless of one's inclinations, habits or compulsions, that a parent might still help them to fit into society. I'm sure most parents like to think that they adjusted their parenting to the people that their kids presented as, but I think it's far more likely that most parents try their damnedest to make you fit their idea of you. Which, perhaps is really what happened to Dexter. And it is this conundrum that is drawing me on.

Keep up the good writing and I'll keep watching. And maybe I'll change my review to 5 %s.