Wednesday, February 11, 2009

City of Cranes - % % % % %

A rumination on the experiences of crane drivers, floating above London, between buildings, carrying great loads with concentration and meditation. This 14 minute short doc is wonderful to watch. It's charming, narrated by interviews with crane drivers, and it's absorbing, marvelous and wondrous, filmed mainly from the crane operators' perspective, containing abstract images of modern life and the balletic dance of the epic cranes sweeping through the city.

At 14 minutes, you should definitely check it out. Next time you sit down for dinner or a snack, instead of turning on the tv, go to POV's website and watch. Glorious.

Directed by Eva Weber. The website for the film. She has also directed The Intimacy of Strangers, available on the Full Frame compilation, disc 5, available on Netflix. I'm bumping it up on my queue, rest assured.